Couple celebrates first same sex marriage license in US
Lynn, MA and Cambridge, MA

Susan Shepherd and her wife, Marcia Hams, hold the first same-sex marriage license in the US. They met while working at the GE plant in Lynn. Susan worked at GE Lynn from 1975 - 1988 and Marcia Hams worked there from 1976 - 1984.
Pictured: Peter Hams, son of Marcia Hams and Susan Shepherd, looks on as his moms cut the cake at the first anniversary party celebrating marriage equality at Cambridge City Hall. One year previous, Peter’s moms received the first legal same-sex marriage license in the country. That night, Marcia, fighting back tears, said, “There’s a kid somewhere that’s watching this. It’s going to change his whole life.” A year later, Peter had become an eloquent spokesperson for the children of gay and lesbian parents. (Marcia Hams quoted in Yvonne Abraham and Rick Klein, “Free to Marry –Historic Date Arrives,” Boston Globe, 17 May 2004.)
Location: Lynn, MA and Cambridge, MA
Photographer: Marilyn Humphries
Date: 2004-05-17, photo is of their one year anniversary in Cambridge
© 2004 Marilyn Humphries