LGBTQ+ people may experience rejection, isolation, discrimination, harassment, and violence. It was only in 1973 when the American Psychiatric Association (APA) removed homosexuality from its Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM). LGBTQ+ people can struggle with mental health issues such as anxiety, depression, low self-esteem, suicide, gender dysphoria and substance use and abuse. It's important to recognize that LGBTQ+ individuals are resilient and diverse, and not all individuals within the community will experience mental health issues. However, addressing the mental health needs of LGBTQ+ people requires understanding and addressing the unique stressors and challenges they face due to societal marginalization and discrimination. Providing affirming and accessible mental health care can help LGBTQ+ individuals thrive and lead fulfilling lives. The first gay Alcoholics Anonymous group was the Pink Triangle group started by Jim Zipper at Lynn Hospital in 1983.
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