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LGBTQ+ people encounter varying degrees of love and acceptance from their parents, siblings, and extended families. Some LGBTQ+ individuals may not have supportive biological families, leading them to form close bonds with friends and other members of the LGBTQ+ community. These chosen families provide a sense of belonging and support that may be lacking in their biological families. LGBTQ+ individuals and communities often redefine what it means to have a family, expanding traditional notions to include chosen families, support networks, and communities of like-minded individuals. The approval of LGBTQ+ adoption has made possible families that were not possible in the past. LGBTQ+ couples fought for the same family benefits afforded to heterosexual couples.

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My parents immigrated here from San Miguel Portugal.

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Family background in Iowa.

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A typical West Lynn blue collar Irish family.

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My family was a bit homophobic back then.

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My neighborhood was neighborly.

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I have a twin and two brothers.

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Grandmother was the one that made the money.

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I idolized my brother.

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She was an Archie Bunker then an Edith.

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My family comes from Mexico and Guatemala.

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My family was poor and working class.

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I was very close to my older sister.

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I started working in the factories at 15.

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Childhood Dynamics and Family Values.

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I am close with my twin siblings.

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I was very independent as a child.

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I have a a sister and a brother.

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I took care of my younger siblings.

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My parents divorced when I was seventeen.

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Everybody came to Granny's house on Sunday.

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My dad did not own me as his.

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Visiting Panama felt like returning home.

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I'm the oldest male child.

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My two sisters and I were very close.

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I think she's going to be gay.

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Stifled, my athletic brother went to the streets.

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My parents were very homophobic.

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Tim's parents were a lot older than mine.

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My own willingness to be very out.

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There is a diversity of sexual identities in my family.

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We wanted to be parents.

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You have your chosen family.

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We both wanted a child, a family.

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Let's have a baby.

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Our families support us.

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I followed my sister to Lynn.

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Gay people were losing their kids. Copy

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We were in it together as a family.

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My mother knew all along.

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Family Origins and Early Life.

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My friends were all raised by single moms.

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My grandfather moved to MA from South Carolina.

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I had a great childhood.

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My parents were behind me one hundred percent.

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My dad was a police officer.

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I lived in three states before age seven.

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Education was our ticket forward.

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I have four sisters and a brother.

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My mother welcomed my friend with HIV.

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My family had little when I was young.

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Quiet child, close to mom and dad.

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I had a good relationship with my whole family.

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I was the first with a college degree.

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Dad was a decorated WWII paratrooper.

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I was the oldest of four siblings.

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I liked to make people laugh, have fun.

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War memories bothered my dad.

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I value truthfulness and hard work.

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Equity and giving the working class guy a chance.

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I knew I would have a hard life.

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We valued family and hard work.

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I never felt poor.

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My father didn't deserve the title "dad."

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My brother had some trouble with it.

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I brought my partner to meet my cousins.

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My family valued taking care of one another.

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I had a short time with my mother.

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Family not interested in my sexuality.

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Buy more dresses!

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Family comes in every form, every shape.

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Genderqueer was not part of my young family.

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Coming out to her was such a disgrace.

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My brother would be the sperm donor.

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A neighborhood with a million kids.

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Death of Spouse and the Love of Lynners

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I think all parents worry about this.

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© 2024 United Lynn Pride Inc.
United Lynn Pride Inc. is a 501(c)3 Tax Exempt Non-Profit Organization
EIN: 88-4123340

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© 2023 - 2024 United Lynn Pride Inc
United Lynn Pride Inc. is a 501(c)3 Tax Exempt Non-Profit Organization

EIN: 88-4123340

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