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Activism and Politics

Political activism was central to Lynn’s LGBTQ+ history. Lynners joined and took leadership roles in groups such as the Homophile Union of Boston, the North Shore Gay and Lesbian Alliance, Lynn Side Out, the Lynn English Gay Straight Alliance, Arts After Hours, Queer Lynn Scene and United Lynn Pride. Others attended protests in Lynn, Boston and Washington and supported LGBTQ+ candidates such as Elaine Noble, David Scondras, Coco Alinsug and Maura Healey. They supported issues such as the Gay Bill of Rights, Marriage Equality and Trans rights. They also held power at the ballot box. After the city rolled back bar closing times, Fran’s Place and 47 Central encouraged their patrons to vote for Judy Flanagan Kennedy for mayor. She opposed the rollback and won in a historic write-in campaign by 27 votes.

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My dad's military service informed my public service.

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Activism is a lived experience.

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Always give back, pay forward.

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Equity and giving the working class guy a chance.

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It's given me a wider global perspective.

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My mother stood up to bussing bullies.

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My first political rally was against the Viet Nam war.

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I'm a staff of the president.

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Paige taught me about advocacy and HIV.

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Stonewall was a door opening.

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I was was involved in forming the union at Salem State.

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Working at an Abortion Clinic in NYC and Operation Rescue

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Stonewall looked like fun to me.

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I wanted to make a difference that mattered.

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The politics and the personal of supporting a transition

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I was an HIV and AIDS activist.

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I wanted to make change.

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I learned about justice, equity, diversity, and exclusion.

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We were afire with feminism.

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Supporting Marriage Equality

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There was a political sea change in the 1980s.

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No political awareness. I was high, having sex.

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I protested with ACT UP.

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We're talking about humans here.

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Youth homelessness, especially queer youth.

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I sang in the Night of 100 Stars .

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It's okay for you to be you.

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Working at the legislature was amazina and fun.

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You are opening doors for others to follow.

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Having life experience helps when helping others.

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Advocating for LGBTQ+ Rights in Lynn

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Marriage equality is at risk of going backwards.

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The Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence do so much good.

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Trump wiped out the whole LGBT division.

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When we confine ourselves to our own issues we are diminished.

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We need to start banding together again.

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Don't take your rights for granted.

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Legislators got to know LGBTQ+ people.

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And then AIDS just completely blew up.

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North Shore Gay Alliance.

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Intense relief after the Marriage Equality decision.

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Progress as Concentric Circles

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Salem State helped me become a community organizer.

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I never worked harder than the MA healthcare plan.

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Gordon College wanted to not hire LGBTQ+ people.

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The arc of history bends toward justice.

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The country is heading down a dark path.

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George Floyd's murder sparked my community involvement.

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Queer Lynn Scene evolved into United Lynn Pride.

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I stand for social justice.

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So much work needs to be done.

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Stand up, keep going.

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Working with middle school vs. college students.

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Lynn needs to be more inclusive.

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I am inspired by how many people are fighting.

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The GLSEN conference and the origins of the backlash.

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I want to be hopeful.

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Lessons learned.

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Mattachine Society

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Treat people how you want to be treated.

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Unions create a community and a safety net.

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We did benefits for AIDS, cancer and hospitals.

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My superpower in government is engaging people.

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I joined the Gay Straight Alliance.

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My family used to own the number one anti-Marcos newspaper.

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I was radicalized by the Unitarian Universalist church.

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We became active in Strongest Link.

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I don't believe in political activism.

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My queerness is inherently political.

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Starting the Gay Straight Alliance at Lynn English.

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We did fundraisers for the police.

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Learning community organizing.

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I educated myself a lot in terms of social justice issues

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A community of faith that is part of the neighborhood.

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I give back to Lynn whenever I can.

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The Gay Straight Alliance was a small group.

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I'm passionate about LGBTQ work.

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We got the Pride flag to hang in the cafeteria.

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Mayor Judy lost because the bar was closed.

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A union contract protections for LGBT people.

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Many LGBTQ+ students did not attend GSA.

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We signed petitions at Boston Pride.

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My girlfriend and I attended an AIDS march.

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Keep dreaming big and life will be good.

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First, amplify your voice.

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Impassioned about transgender lives, I started a church.

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I'm cautiously optimistic, but incredibly nervous.

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You have to have a positive outlook.

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I joined the Sisters to do social work.

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The future is going to be much more open and inclusive.

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Giving back is more important than receiving.

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I was politically active on campus.

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Lynn School Committee

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Progress and Queer Backlash

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Mass Equality was very effective fighting for marriage equality.

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We have to keep the wider view.

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We need more activism.

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Understanding LGBT history is essential.

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Reflections on LGBTQ+ Rights and Optimism for the Future.

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I worked for marriage eqality.

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Lynn parents organizing for a better education.

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5,000 people and a party at City Hall.

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Getting started in sex eduction.

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I'm nervous about the future.

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Safe Schools program.

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Don't take privileges for granted.

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We are nuns and do the work of nuns.

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Frankly, the whole country is at risk.

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The bars were a place to organize.

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I'm mindful of LGBTQ+ intersectionality.

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Come together and fight as a community.

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The church sold indulgences. We give them freely.

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Despite the anti-LGBTQ backlash, I am hopeful.

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I don't think that hate is going to win.

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We did fundraisers for Councilor Hong Net.

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Overwhelmed by the mass of right wing media.

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What is at stake for the kids.

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I wanted the same freedoms men had.

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© 2024 United Lynn Pride Inc.
United Lynn Pride Inc. is a 501(c)3 Tax Exempt Non-Profit Organization
EIN: 88-4123340

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© 2023 - 2024 United Lynn Pride Inc
United Lynn Pride Inc. is a 501(c)3 Tax Exempt Non-Profit Organization

EIN: 88-4123340

Connect with us on Social Media

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