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The early years of struggling with an LGBTQ+ identity can be isolating. Role models and LGBTQ+ youth organizations can help young people navigate growing up. Lynn's first High School Gay Straight Alliance was founded at Lynn English in 2000. Lynn’s first LGBTQ+ youth group was Be You, which was run by St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church. They attended Boston Youth Pride in May 2015. Lynn resident Coco Alinsug helped found NAGLY, North Shore Alliance of Gay and Lesbian Youth, and served as its first executive director from Lynn. NAGLY opened a Lynn office at the Demakes Family YMCA in 2022.

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I want you to get in the picture.

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NAGLY was incredible, magical, amazing young adults.

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Kids today don't have the community of clubs.

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Youth homelessness, especially queer youth.

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Youth Pride in Boston.

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NAGLY went online during the pandemic.

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Kids today are brave!

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Working for NAGLY gives me hope for the younger generation.

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Our history needs to be taught.

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NAGLY: North Shore Alliance for GLBTQ+ Youth

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You can be your whole self.

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You were loved and cared for exactly for who you are.

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I worked at Boston GLASS Community Center.

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I could not wait to go to bars when I was younger.

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I covered the first, queer youth support center.

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What NAGLY offers is amazing!

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Younger people don't know what is was like.

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Youth today are not afraid like we were.

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How do youth today find their tribe?

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Kids should bounce around and feel what's comfortable.

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© 2024 United Lynn Pride Inc.
United Lynn Pride Inc. is a 501(c)3 Tax Exempt Non-Profit Organization
EIN: 88-4123340

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© 2023 - 2024 United Lynn Pride Inc
United Lynn Pride Inc es una organización tipo 501(c)3 sin fines de lucro  y exenta de impuestos

EIN: 88-4123340

Conéctate con nosotros en las redes sociales

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