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Discrimination and Violence

Discrimination, harassment, and violence against Lynn’s LGBTQ+ community occurred on the streets and in the bars. People were beaten up on the sidewalks, at Lynn Beach, and in their cars. Homophobes harassed and attacked bar patrons. Straight men fought with gay men. Butch lesbians fought over femmes. Nearby straight bars fought with LGBTQ+ bar patrons. Lynn police served as both protectors and perpetrators of violence toward LGBTQ+ people. Fists, rocks, bottles, guns, fires, and legal discrimination were used to intimidate LGBTQ+ citizens, who fought back, resisted, and organized.

Watch Interview Moments

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Frans was between two biker bars. Copy

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The Detroit streets were violent. Be careful!

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Mother protector? Forget it!

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The Gay Blade was a men's bar.

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Fran's was mostly a lesbian bar.

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You want to be a guy? Okay, let's fight.

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She shot him with love.

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I encountered discrimination at work.

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After waking from the coma I kept going.

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Pushback from the administration.

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Some out gay guys that just got a lot of crap.

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There was a lot of harassment.

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I filed a safe schools program complaint.

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Fights between the gay and straight bars.

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He burnt down a building ... because I was with

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Fights are how you resolve things.

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Women's bars wanted the bar for women.

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Kids thrown out by religious families.

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Knocked me out cold.

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You're a menace around young people.

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These were circumstances which were incredibly extreme.

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The backlash against the LGBTQ community.

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GE does no longer discriminate.

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Gay people were losing their kids.

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Accept each human for who they are.

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Very loud voices from very few people.

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Officials want to bring about the second coming.

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Is Lynn an LGBTQ+ friendly city?

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Fights amongst men

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There was a lot of violence.

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Key figures that would come through.

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It was total bravery.

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Gays were ousted and shunned.

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You could literally be beaten or shot at just from walking down the street.

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Bar Fights

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Jan and the car thieves

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Violence was everywhere, not just Fran's.

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There were many gaybashings in South Boston.

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My father was very prejudiced back then.

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I was bullied in school.

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There were gay bashings in Boston.

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Lesbians and men didn't get along.

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I got harassed about dad's gay bar.

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A pimp shot his gun in the bar.

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Fran's had frequent fires.

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They wouldn't serve me.

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Hate toward the gay community is increasing.

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Think of others, what must they feel?

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There is now a class system within the whole being gay or sexuality.

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Man-hating dykes.

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LGBTQ+ discrimination in school and neighborhood was minor.

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Trans women are being murdered all the time.

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Continue the advocacy work.

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A trans butch rejected online by lesbians.

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We avoided a home visit by social worker.

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She'd definitely be out of a job.

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Passers by would throw things at us.

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I fear discovery when travelling.

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Bullies take it out on the queers.

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Bullied but Resilient

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Waiting for people to come out and beating them up.

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One mean mother cop beat me up.

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Bouncer tried to rape me.

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Motorcycle group held us hostage.

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© 2024 United Lynn Pride Inc.
United Lynn Pride Inc. is a 501(c)3 Tax Exempt Non-Profit Organization
EIN: 88-4123340

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© 2023 - 2024 United Lynn Pride Inc
United Lynn Pride Inc es una organización tipo 501(c)3 sin fines de lucro  y exenta de impuestos

EIN: 88-4123340

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