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Denae Ramos-Pachucki

Denae Ramos-Pachucki is a Vocational Rehab Counselor for the Massachusetts Rehabilitation Commission, born and raised in Lynn. She is a 2000 graduate of Lynn English High School, where she was a founding member of the Gay Straight Alliance (GSA). She joined the NAGLY (North Shore Alliance of GLBTQ Youth) as a teen. The November 2023 interview speaks about growing up in a diverse neighborhood, coming out, Girls Inc., starting the GSA at Lynn English, political activism, Fran’s place, relationships, parenting, and treating others as you want to be treated.

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Denae Ramos-Pachucki



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I was surrounded by such amazing diversity.

Denae Ramos-Pachucki

I think she's going to be gay.

Denae Ramos-Pachucki

Life is really short.

Denae Ramos-Pachucki

Starting the Gay Straight Alliance at Lynn English.

Denae Ramos-Pachucki

Some out gay guys that just got a lot of crap.

Denae Ramos-Pachucki

I educated myself a lot in terms of social justice issues

Denae Ramos-Pachucki

I wanted to make change.

Denae Ramos-Pachucki

That that makes me feel a little bit more hopeful.

Denae Ramos-Pachucki

I have to go to a bar to meet people.

Denae Ramos-Pachucki

Fran's was a fun place.

Denae Ramos-Pachucki

There was all these things she couldn't do.

Denae Ramos-Pachucki

I felt like was like looking for a needle in a haystack.

Denae Ramos-Pachucki

I'm just happy if I can date Barbie.

Denae Ramos-Pachucki

My dad is gay.

Denae Ramos-Pachucki

I grew up in a different time and I couldn't be myself.

Denae Ramos-Pachucki

Pushback from the administration.

Denae Ramos-Pachucki

I want you to get in the picture.

Denae Ramos-Pachucki

They all kind of shattered your sense of security.

Denae Ramos-Pachucki

I still am hopeful.

Denae Ramos-Pachucki

I could not wait to go to bars when I was younger.

Denae Ramos-Pachucki

Fran's was a fun place.

Denae Ramos-Pachucki

Bars still have a place.

Denae Ramos-Pachucki

I think all parents worry about this.

Denae Ramos-Pachucki

Don't be an asshole.

Denae Ramos-Pachucki


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