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David Granese

Dave Granese is a retired police officer who served for 39 years in the Suffolk County Sheriff’s Department. Born in 1962, Dave and his family moved from East Boston to another Italian American community in Revere, where he would spend his childhood and teen years. His family instilled in him the values of respect, which he would exhibit in his life and role as a police officer. He is a 1981 graduate of Revere High School and Northeast Regional Technical High School, where he specialized in electronics. Always a hands-on learner and good communicator, Dave gravitated toward law enforcement. As an openly gay police officer, he would attend Fran’s Place, Dominic’s, and Josephs. Fran’s Place was his “home base,” where he became a regular DJ. His interview discusses the dangerous environment for gay men in the 1980s, gay bashing, harassment from fellow officers, and the joy of wearing his uniform in the Gay Pride Parade as part of the Gay Officers Action League.

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David Granese



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My neighborhood was neighborly.

David Granese

I always wanted to get into electronics.

David Granese

My boyfriend and I were very secrective.

David Granese

My command staff was very supportive.

David Granese

Joseph's was a men's bar.

David Granese

There were gay bashings in Boston.

David Granese

I met my husband cruising in Salem.

David Granese

I was with the Gay Officer's Action League.

David Granese

I DJ'ed on Fran's first big Pride float.

David Granese

Tony and I were domestic partners first.

David Granese

Marriage equality offers protections.

David Granese

The backlash against the LGBTQ community.

David Granese

Treat people how you want to be treated.

David Granese

My first gay nightclub, Chaps, was very comfortable.

David Granese

I encountered discrimination at work.

David Granese

Dominic's was kind of seedy.

David Granese

Everybody got along in the bar.

David Granese

I was the Saturday night DJ at Fran's.

David Granese

I lost very close friends to AIDS.

David Granese

Gay Pride was a great time.

David Granese

911 was scary and crazy.

David Granese

People still talk about the wedding.

David Granese

Factors in the downfall of the bars.

David Granese

Don't take your rights for granted.

David Granese


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